Top 5 Plants to Use in Your Bathroom Décor - Nuenza

While it’s recommended that you have houseplants in almost every room, the bathroom should be one of the first places to consider. Not only are plants beautiful and uplifting to look at, but they also serve the practical purpose of keeping the indoor environment healthy and clean. Whether your bathroom is windowless, in need of colour, or if you have a black thumb, you can still make your sanctuary attractive and healthy if you choose the right plants. Here are the five plants you should consider incorporating into your bathroom décor:

1. Spider Plant

This iconic shooting plant is a natural for your bathroom’s environment, and having it on the countertop will definitely improve your energy. This super easy-going plant enjoys high moisture and does fine with minimal light. Spider plants thrive in bright light, particularly in direct sunlight. However, they can grow adequately in semi-shade and partial direct sunlight. It would also make an excellent floor plant if your bathroom has a low window, or display it on the counter, and it will catch the sunlight during the day.

Don’t worry if you see your spider plant’s leaves start turning brown. While it’s not harmful, you can remedy this by flushing out the excess salt buildup by watering your plant several times in a row. The buildup is caused by the fluoride in water. Make sure your plant is in a pot that allows drainage and that it’s been potted with soil that drains well. To avoid the buildup altogether, try distilled water or rainwater.

The spider plant is susceptible to root rot, so don’t let it get soggy. The best course of action is to let it dry out in between watering sessions. The spider plant also scores highly in countering air pollution within the bathroom atmosphere. It’s one of five plants that can remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air, such as acetone and formaldehyde.

2. Aloe Vera

Cuisines Nuenza recommends this as one of the best plants to have at home. Whether you have artificial sunlight or bright natural light, your aloe vera plant will feel at home in no time. Consider placing it on the counter, on a stool near a window, or on the windowsill. You may need to check on the plant every so often to ensure it doesn’t receive direct sunlight, as it will turn yellow; western and southern-facing windows are preferred. Depending on where you’re located, you can leave your plant outside during the day between the months of May and September.

Aloe vera plants need deep watering, but only on occasion. To prevent its roots from rotting, verify that the soil is dry one to two inches deep before watering. Aloe vera plants commonly have pups or offsets that need to be removed to their own pot for growth, so you will really get your money’s worth.

If you plan to use the plant’s gel for healing purposes, remove the mature leaves from the plant. Slice them lengthwise and squeeze the leaves to apply the gel to cuts or burns.

3. Lucky Bamboo

Complete your stylish spa sanctuary with lucky bamboo. This indestructible houseplant is a winner since it’s always happy at any level of natural light and will be fine in a vase of water. Make sure to keep it out of direct sunlight because it can’t handle the heat. This plant is prone to algae, so change the water and clean the vase every two or three months. If you want to add some décor to your plant, it won’t mind sharing its vase with pebbles or glass chips.

Lucky bamboo shares a commonality with spider plants: they are both sensitive about salt in their water. If you want your lucky bamboo to stay alive and unharmed, use distilled water. Remember that yellow leaf tips are a sign of salt buildup and age; brown tips can be a sign of dry air in its environment.

The attractive curly-cue stalks can reach a substantial height, so if you cut down a can, it won’t grow any taller. On the other hand, if you trim the foliage, it will grow back. As a top bathroom renovation company in Montreal, we recommend this plant for a dramatic touch in the corner; lucky bamboo will lean towards the light.

4. Orchids

Orchids, without a doubt, add colour and elegance to any countertop. This plant is also fairly easy to keep alive and requires minimal maintenance. They may be a bit finicky, but your bathroom’s steamy atmosphere will offer them the ideal home. These plants also do well in both artificial light and indirect sunlight. Since they enjoy higher humidity levels, having them beside your tub will eliminate dampness.

Why do orchids love the humidity? They’re tropical flowers and grow in bark instead of soil. Keeping soil damp results in rot and algae, whereas bark needs to be damp. Keep your eyes out for these common bathroom orchid varieties:

  • Dendrobium
  • Phalaenopsis
  • Paphiopedilums

5. “Eternity” Plant

Native to Africa, the Zamioculcas zamifolia—or ZZ plant—got its nickname because it will survive in the hands of the worst plant caregiver. It requires very little water and low to medium light, but it gives the impression of a fully independent being in a well-lit bathroom. Just keep it away from direct sunlight and complete shade.

It’s important to be wary of this plant; if you can into contact with the leaves’ juice, it can cause skin irritation. Keep pets and children away from the plant, as well. Whenever you’re doing work with it, be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly once you’ve completed your work.

Start Renovating with Cuisines Nuenza

Our experts can redo parts of your home, or do a full makeover! We have so many ideas, and welcome your preferences, so your space is customized exactly to your liking. Upgrade your bathroom, redesign your kitchen, or create a unique living space with us! Contact Cuisines Nuenza today, and get a free estimate!